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Video Horror: Nov 12 2004
This first video is of the raw footage of a US Marine shooting an unarmed, injured Iraqi insurgent lying on the floor. He had been disarmed and left for medical evacuation after the combat, but the second troop of Marines did not know that. In the critical moment in the video there can clearly be heard the words: Play Video - Interviews and Iraqi life
This second video is of interviews of Iraqis. It is in Arabic, but you don't have to speak the language to know what these people are saying.
The intended link location is:
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If you wish to submit a picture, it is guaranteed a place if you have information on where it came from, or a larger picture of one featured already. Play Video - Marine murders an unarmed, injured Insurgent
Marine1: "He's - playing dead. He's - playing dead"
Marine2: "he's breathing he's breathing"
[Shots fired]
On the video apears a US Marine spokesman after the footage, and the website runs other news stories after the video.
The footage contains strong language and obviously - extreeme - actual - violence. Viewer discression is advised.
The intended link location is:
Wiserthanyou [at] gmail [dot] com